Monday 19 November 2007

News about our E-Learning Workshop in London: SOAS, 14th of December and a new section in our Wiki on Workshops

Additions to our Wiki include our update about our E-Learning Workshop in London (SOAS- 14th of December) (please register for it asap!). We have also added a new section on Workshops (with news both about our own -one in London and one in Glasgow- and about Workshops with interest to PRS academics) . We have here news about the York Workshop on e-Assessment and the Wolverhampton Workshop on Mobile Learning.

Thursday 1 November 2007

30th of October: Funding opportunity from JISC and a new section for our Wiki: Blog List

Additions for our Wiki include a Funding Opportunity from JISC, a new section for Links to PRS Blogs and a new section for Links to PRS E-mail Lists. Please check them out and if you have any more additions to suggest, please contact Costas.